Breakfast Banana Splits

My 4 year old is stuck in a breakfast rut.  All she wants to eat is english muffins and butter, pancakes and butter, toast and butter, tortilla and butter, muffin and butter, butter and butter....... butter, butter, butter.  She literally would eat a stick of butter if I let her.  She may just turn into one giant piece of bread!   She will eat eggs and oatmeal.   I've tried to get her to eat yogurt but she only takes a few bites and says she doesn't like the "bits" even though she likes fruit.   I've tried plain vanilla yogurt but for some reason she just doesn't love it.

She's very interested in cooking shows and competitions, so lately I've been trying to let her help make her breakfast.  We make it a cooking competition and take turns telling the "judges" what we have made.  She LOVES it!  So for the next few weeks I am going to give myself a breakfast challenge and see if I can't come up with some kid friendly breakfasts that are more exciting, more fun, more healthy, and LESS buttery.

This past week, we made breakfast banana splits; fancy term for banana topped with healthy toppings.  The only butter we used was PEANUT butter.  You could use almond butter, cashew butter, sunflower butter, cookie butter (see how I slipped that one in!) Instead of whipped cream we used yogurt.  Instead of chocolate  and strawberry syrups we used a tiny spoonful of mini chocolate chips and lots of fresh berries. And of course we had to top it off with real, live, cute, wonderful, SPRINKLES!  I had her at sprinkles.  I knew I would.  And even though she doesn't know what an actual banana split is she was all in once she saw me pull pull those little beauties out of the pantry.  Who needs butter when you have rainbow sprinkles!   These breakfast banana splits are so simple and fun to make. Wouldn't a breakfast banana split bar be so cute and fun after a sleep over or camping trip?!! We used what we had around the house but with a little imagination the variations are endless.

Breakfast Banana Split

bananas (1/2 per person)
peanut butter (or almond butter, cashew butter...)
vanilla yogurt
unsweetened coconut
mini chocolate chips
strawberries, cut into small pieces

Cut banana in half.  Roll in butter of your choice.  We used peanut butter. Mix granola, coconut, and mini chocolate chips on a small plate.  Roll banana in granola mixture.  Place banana on serving plate.  Top with a spoonful of yogurt.  Garnish with berries and sprinkles.

If you like this recipe, check out our breakfast ice cream!

What is your kids' favorite breakfast?  Share in the comments below.  

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